For the Anti-Vaxers, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

Alec Frazier at Work in Pandora: The World of Avatar

Throughout history, people have feared what they don’t understand. One of the fastest-growing diagnoses is autism. In my own personal opinion, autism kicks ass! Yes, my childhood was difficult, and learning to live on my own and finding employment was, at first, a chore. However, since then, autism has led to some truly remarkable advancements in my life. I have an amazing job where I get compensated to go to theme parks, write books, and meet celebrities. I have my own beautiful home, filled with wonderful belongings and original artwork that symbolize who I am today. I have far too many friends to count, from your general “friends next door” type of person to a United States senator, authors, and even a nuclear scientist. I enjoy my life profusely!

In 1998, British scientist Andrew Wakefield published an article in the scientific journal, The Lancet stating that a vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella caused autism. Wakefield was lying, of course, and later admitted that fact, and went to prison. Nonetheless, many people refuse to admit that he was lying, and seek external causes for autism. I have endlessly encountered people who say that there must be “something in the water”, or something in vaccinations, or something else to be cured.

There is nothing to be cured. There is nothing wrong with us. There is nothing you can do to vaccines, “the water”, or any other substance or factor on this planet to make us go away. And that’s what you want to do, underneath it all. You want autistic people to disappear. Don’t try to deny it. You are bigoted and hateful, no matter how much you wrap it up. I cannot convince all of you to stop thinking the way you do, but I can hopefully convince some of you.

One of the worst things about all of this is that those of you who believe that vaccines cause autism would clearly much rather that people have horrible conditions like measles, smallpox, polio, and many other deadly diseases. All of you who believe that vaccines cause autism clearly believe that these horrible conditions are much better than having autism. Think about that. That’s extremely messed up. Thanks to you, there are now increased cases of all of these diseases and more, putting millions and risk of death, all because of your bigotry.

A Portion of the Library of Thomas Jefferson at the Library of Congress
In fact, although its diagnosis was broadened by recent standards, autism has existed throughout history, including such individuals as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Nikola Tesla, all of whom would not have been able to contribute what they have to society without their autism. Imagine no Mona Lisa, no United States of America, and no use of electricity. You want that? Imagine the current people with autism who are changing the world for the better. People like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, amongst others. Want their achievements to go away?

But this isn’t about them, is it? This is about your precious child. You are willing to take the word of someone who was a part-time nurse several years ago, or some doctor who lost his license, or even a porn star like Jenny McCarthy, so long as they reinforce your narrative that something is wrong with your child. I repeat, nothing is wrong with your child. May I suggest, that if you continue thinking so, something is very wrong with you. Even if you do not have children, if you think that there is some external factor such as “the water”, vaccines, pollution, which causes autism, then you wish to disbelieve science and instead believe that something is wrong with people with autism.

There are studies on external factors which can be taken seriously, but they are few and far between. Almost every single time I see someone sharing one, it is a crackpot study shared simply to reinforce their own very incorrect viewpoints. The clear majority of the scientific community agrees that autism is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and that there is nothing external which causes it. I honestly don’t care what your nurse friend has to say, when your discredited doctor friend has to say, or what a porn star you have never met has to say. They are very, very wrong.

A Partial Photo of Alec Frazier’s 33rd Birthday Party
But you don’t care about that. You look for something that can hopefully “cure” us. I don’t care if that “us” includes your child, or your student, or your brother, or whatever. The very notion of wanting to cure us insists that there is something wrong with us. Because if there is something wrong with us, then your fear of us or our condition is justified. Stop being afraid of us. You may not admit to being afraid, but you clearly are. Instead, try to understand us, accommodate us, and love us for the wonderful, unique individuals we are. There is nothing wrong with us. If you believe there is, then there is clearly something wrong with you. I suggest you try to cure yourself.


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