What I Do, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

The Logo for Autistic Reality

Veni! Vidi! Autism! and Stories About Us

The Front Cover of Veni! Vidi! Autism!

  • As of a couple years ago, I had generated a lot of content, for my previous blog and for academic papers as well as a number of interviews.
  • With the help of my fellow Disability Mentoring Hall of Fame inductee Jd Michaels, I was able to get myself set up as a publisher, and become a copyrighted author of my book, Veni! Vidi! Autism!
  • Using the same process, Jd and I are publishing a number of other disabled authors as part of the Stories About Us anthology.
  • It is important to note that these stories are not all about disability. Rather, it is the authors who identifies disabled. They remained in absolute control of the works, and make all the profits from them.


Me with the Head of Marvel Joe Quesada
Joe is a friend, and has been a guest on my podcast and my YouTube channel.

  • I interview a wide variety of guests for my podcast, the Autistic Reality Podcast.
  • Guests have so far included politicians, business owners, artists, writers, actors, and major talents and decision-makers in the entertainment fields.
  • Although almost all of the questions are tailor-made to the individual guest on-the-fly, one question is constant. I ask every single guest about disability representation in the entertainment industry, whether it be acting, writing, illustration, or something behind the scenes.

Blog Entries

Me at Pandora: The World of Avatar at Walt Disney World
I have done a blog post on P
andora: The World of Avatar

Pop Culture Criticism

Me and Liz Pritchard Speaking at New York Comic Con 2019Liz Pritchard is my protégé. We spoke to approximately two hundred people.

  • I write pop culture articles for a number of outlets, including Flickering Myth and Starburst Magazine.
  • Articles range from reviews to opinion pieces to works on sociology and entertainment. Not all of my pieces are about disability. In fact, most of them are not.
  • I will also be starting a podcast for Flickering Myth, which will include works from the Autistic Reality Podcast.
  • I also travel the country and the Globe giving speeches on the role of disability in general and autism specifically and their representation in entertainment and pop culture.
  • Venues include academic and disability conferences, as well as pop culture events such as comicons.

Contact Information

Me, Holding a Copy of Veni! Vidi! Autism!
  • Phone: (607) 342-8543
  • Email: autisticreality@nothingaboutuswithoutus.net
  • Website
  • Address:

676 Houston Ave.
Apt. 407
Takoma Park, MD  20912-6262

Social Media

My Workspace
A seven-foot beanbag sofa with giant pillows set against a wall of memorabilia related to my first book, Without Fear: The First Autistic Superhero. The memorabilia include action figures, original art, copies of the book, a copy of the work it reviews, and photos and autographs of people involved in the work the book reviews, such as Joe Quesada, Charlie Cox, Alex Maleev, and Stan Lee. Above all is a banner promoting both my firm and the book. Also included in the photo are Star Trek badges, my lightsaber, Capability, and a stuffed astronaut Snoopy symbolizing our journey home to the stars, of whose dust we are made.


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