Holiday Letter from Alec Frazier 2019, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

Dear Santa,

Santa with Me at Enchant Christmas DC 2019
This year has been absolutely amazing. A number of wonderful things have happened, and they leave me humbled, and thoughtful about my life and what others mean to me.

Tari Hartman Squire, Me, and Jd Michaels
In January of this year, I was inducted into the Susan M. Daniels Disability Mentoring Hall of Fame along with my colleagues, Jd Michaels and Tari Hartman Squire. I am extremely thankful for this wonderful honor. Jd and I have just finished our working relationship, at least for the time being, but we spent the year very busy helping people with disabilities get their books published, including my very dear friend Denise. Tari also had me as a mentor at her Lights! Camera! Access! disability and media summit. I am very thankful for both Jd and Tari for helping me become who I am today, and now it is time for me to spread my wings and fly!

Me and Liz Prichard Presenting on Autism and Creativity at New York Comic Con 2019
Over the course of the year, I have continued writing pop-culture articles, with many, but not all of them focusing on disability and/or sociology. I started this year as a majority disability rights advocate, and ended it as a pop-culture critic for Flickering Myth, Starburst Magazine, and The Deadbeat Critics. These are absolutely wonderful professional developments. I have also continued guesting at comicons, including Ithacon in Ithaca, New York, the Central Pennsylvania Comic Con near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the Salt City Comic Con in Syracuse, New York, and RocCon in Rochester, New York. I have also recorded a number of podcasts at these various events, and I have my own podcast channel. I also have a YouTube channel. Nonetheless, the biggest thing to happen to me this year was attending New York Comic Con 2019 in New York City. I was press at this event, and recorded a great number of podcasts and YouTube videos with some really big names. My mentee Liz Prichard and I also gave our talk on autism and creativity, as we had at a number of these other shows, some also with our friend Rachel Sweeney.

Me with Outlander Author Diana Gabaldon Holding My Clan Coat of Arms During My Interview with Her at New York Comic Con 2019
Mom is a constant inspiration to me, and I am always thankful to her for making me who I am today. She is always proving how strong she is by continuing in living a productive life filled with friends and social engagements, despite the fact that she has severe physical disabilities. She is truly an inspiration to me, and I will say again that she is responsible for at least 80% of any good that I may do. Growing up with her light in my life has made me who I am today.

Me with Marvel Chief Joe Quesada During My Interview with Him at New York Comic Con 2019
Nick makes me so very, very proud. He has had tremendous amounts of professional development, and among other things, runs a music festival called the Finger Lakes Thaw. He also puts on events for various people all over New York State and the country. He has truly come into his own, and is a wonderful, inspiring man.

Me Making a Point by Dropping My Book on the Table during the 2019 Lights! Camera! Access! Disability and Media Summit
Dad continues to be one of my biggest supporters, and he is available to provide me with guidance at any time. He continues living his life with love, friendship, and emotional well-being, and I draw support from these things. He has also provided me with significant professional help, and I am always glad for his advice.

My Friends Emi and Christine Loo Taking a Selfie at Enchant Christmas DC 2019
I am also very proud of my wonderful friends! Beautiful, caring, kindhearted people like my friends Kenny and Heidi and my friend Christine and her family, my friend Tom, and many, many more. I am very proud of my friend Megan in Buffalo as well, who has gotten married this year, and continues her schooling to become a nurse, along with her independent business. Her entire life is spent helping people, and I am in awe of her.

My Friend Denise, Me and My Friend and My Mentee Liz at Central Pennsylvania Comic Con
This year has had its trials, but overall, I am very, very grateful for all of the wonderful things that have happened in my life. If you are reading this, I want to let you know that I am grateful for you, and for your support and your friendship.

Enchant Christmas DC 2019
Santa, I will leave the milk and cookies out tonight for you! To paraphrase the Chris Van Allsburg book The Polar Express, “Many no longer hear the sleigh bells ringing, but as for me, I will always believe!”

Merry Christmas!

Alec Frazier


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