Holiday Letter from Alec Frazier 2020, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

Dear Santa, Me with Santa Claus Aha! This year has been quite an adventure! Multiple things have happened on the personal, professional, emotional, mental, and other fronts, but you know what? I’m still here! Me Being the Y in Joy at the 2020 Downtown Silver Spring Holiday Display I am currently living in a hotel in Silver Spring, Maryland, as I wait for my new address to clear up. This has been a fascinating year, and for many reasons. I feel like the virus outbreak and the ensuing quarantine have actually brought my friends, family, and I closer together, and not further apart. Normally, I focus these letters on the members of my biological family. However, this year, I would also like to focus in on the beautiful, wonderful friends who make me shine and thrive so many miles away from my said biological family. My Mother Decorating Her Christmas Tree My mother has finally moved into an assisted living facility, although she is currently in what is su...