My Coming Out Story, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

My Definition of Pride Marching in the DC Pride Parade Pride is the contentment and wonder that results from the exciting, amazing ability everyone has to be who they truly are. The Body Two Men Kissing My brother and I have been known to tussle. One time when I was about 19 years old, one of these tussles ended with me bleeding out my ear. My mother and I went to the hospital and as I lay in the emergency room, I told her that I was bisexual. She asked what had brought that about, and I said, “Well mom, I saw Troy…” We discussed it further, and I admitted that I had been that way from the get-go. There was a short time of me telling people, none of whom reacted negatively at all. My father was fine with it, my brother was fine with it, my friends were fine with it. Shortly after this time, I had my first sexual encounter with a male, and it was much more fulfilling than the sex I had had with a female earlier. My brother had at one point said, “Come on Alec, we all k...