When I Die, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

Na’vi Burial My religious views are quite unconventional. In terms of organized religion, I belong to the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, or UUA. In terms of actual beliefs, I believe in the dictates of reason, and then therefore a humanist. In addition, I have a live and let live philosophy, and I am a right reverend minister in the Church of the Latter-Day Dude, a genuine, federally recognized faith based on the live and let live philosophy of the Jeff Bridges’s character The Dude from the Coen Brothers Comedy, “The Big Lebowski”. Furthermore, I believe that if there is any divine presence, then it is the wherewithal of everything in this universe together. The best interpretation of this presence is the goddess Eywa from James Cameron’s Avatar. She is a very humanist goddess. What follows is my wishes for my funeral in celebration of life. Overlooking the Elco Cemetery in Bondad, CO When I die, I wish to be buried in the Frazier burial plot outsid...