For the Anti-Vaxers, By Alec Frazier and Autistic Reality

Alec Frazier at Work in Pandora: The World of Avatar Throughout history, people have feared what they don’t understand. One of the fastest-growing diagnoses is autism. In my own personal opinion, autism kicks ass! Yes, my childhood was difficult, and learning to live on my own and finding employment was, at first, a chore. However, since then, autism has led to some truly remarkable advancements in my life. I have an amazing job where I get compensated to go to theme parks, write books, and meet celebrities. I have my own beautiful home, filled with wonderful belongings and original artwork that symbolize who I am today. I have far too many friends to count, from your general “friends next door” type of person to a United States senator, authors, and even a nuclear scientist. I enjoy my life profusely! In 1998, British scientist Andrew Wakefield published an article in the scientific journal, The Lancet stating that a vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella caused autism. Wak...